Robert Fulton

  • 网络罗伯特·富尔顿;罗伯特·傅尔顿
Robert FultonRobert Fulton
  1. Then in1793 , an American named Robert Fulton became interested in an idea which would mean the end of sailing ships .


  2. Another invention earned Robert Fulton a special place in aviation history .


  3. Robert Fulton decided to make a movie about his trip .


  4. Robert Fulton decided to find out for himself .


  5. Robert Fulton could never give up his Douglas motorcycle . It was a part of him .


  6. FAITH LAPIDUS : Another invention earned Robert Fulton a special place in aviation history .


  7. Robert Fulton 's proposal to build a steamboat was at first regarded as fantastic .


  8. Robert Fulton 's proposal to build a steamboat was was at first regarded as fantastic .


  9. Robert Fulton was alone for most of the trip . He worried about his motorcycle .


  10. STEVE EMBER : Within a few days of the dinner party , Robert Fulton began his preparations .


  11. STEVE EMBER : Robert Fulton owned more than seventy legal documents that protected his inventions .


  12. At first , Robert Fulton 's plans for his steamboat were derided as chimerical nonsense .


  13. Robert Fulton said the first part of the trip was not exciting . He had traveled in much of Europe before . The only new thing was the motorcycle .


  14. But Robert Fulton liked the photographs of people 's faces best . The photos showed people in their native dress , working , playing and examining his motorcycle .


  15. In1807 , Robert Fulton 's " North River Steam Boat " began heading up New York 's Hudson River on its successful round-trip to Albany .


  16. STEVE EMBER : Robert Fulton spoke English , French and German . Soon , these languages did not help him . But he always seemed to be able to communicate with almost everyone .


  17. Another man at the party said such a trip would be a great idea . And he said he owned the Douglas Motor Works Company . He offered Robert Fulton a new Douglas motorcycle to use on his trip .


  18. STEVE EMBER : Robert Fulton would be considered an unusual man if this long trip was all he did . It was a dangerous thing to do . Some experts said he was lucky to survive .


  19. FAITH LAPIDUS : A few weeks later , Robert Fulton found himself riding his new motorcycle out of London . He rode to the port of Dover . He crossed the English Channel on a ship .


  20. His name was Robert Edison Fulton , Junior . He was named for two of America 's most famous inventors , Robert Fulton and Thomas Edison .


  21. FAITH LAPIDUS : Robert Edison Fulton , Junior died at his home in Newtown , Connecticut at the age of ninety-five on May seventh , two thousand-four .
